Enhance The Power Of Selenium For Greater Automation Efficiency!
Testing web applications has been a complicated process for the developers. It is no more a simple test run on a couple of features. As the functionality of the websites and software improve, the demand for the improved automation tools increased leading to the development of Selenium – that could obey encoded scripts.
Launched with two modes of operation – Remote controlled and core, people are allowed to enhance the power of selenium to use script interactions with browsers. The channels of improving the use and advanced testing mechanisms come to life here!
Test on latest technology
The new age tools allow the use of the simplest of design in a range of technology options. With the selenium there is a freedom for the app testers to make use of the extensions and enable testing new features on the technologies like React JS and Angular. This gives the developers a freedom to try new technologies for their software and enhance their results.
Well framed support
With the automated testing tools using Selenium it is a greater flexibility to the app developers to be able to get support for the composite controls. The addition of service is extended to the UI frameworks like Google MD, Kendo and bootstrap. It is easier for them to experiment with their programs.
100% reliable
Most of the applications and automations tools today are self-healing. There is also no need for the business to invest in custom frameworks. With the maximization of the power of selenium, there comes greater execution reliability and exceptional handling. The self healing is autonomics based and therefore the whole process becomes a lot more rewarding for the professionals.
Take pro-active steps
Earlier there were limitations to the automation tools. Even if the features were dictated there were no means of validation to provide for the approved channels. But with the enhanced usage of selenium the professionals can convert selenium exceptions into troubleshooting steps, actionable steps or even provide for a validation easily. And with the smart location elements you will be able to record the steps easily without having the need to revise the scripts again and again.
Selenium enhancement provides a rather data-driven testing mechanism where the business process application gets reusable with easy modular changes. And as the tool is pre-coded there is no need to invest heavily on the framework. It is a cost-effective and reliable testing help that comes as an easy use too.